Un Cadavre Exquis II, a dance solo by Pau Aran and José Tronoso, is a work dedicated to encounter, direct connection with ancestors, and gratitude.

In Un Cadavre Exquis II, Pau speaks about himself—his life, his family, and the experiences that move him. From his career as a ballroom dance competitor to modern jazz and ultimately joining Pina Bausch’s company in Wuppertal, his journey unfolds through words. At the same time, his body, feeling addressed, does not merely describe these moments but dances them—seemingly free—expressing the emotions they evoke.
Direction José Troncoso, Pau Aran
Performance Pau Aran
Dramaturgy José Troncoso
Assistant director Mar Ortiz
Musical direction Juan J. Ochoa
Lighting design Leticia L. Karamazana, Jou Serra, Sergio Roca
Costume design Iban Salgado, Mariyana Stefanova
Production Núria Aguiló
Distribution Jaume Nieto / Imaginart
Audience disposal Italian-style
Maximum capacity Approximately 200 people (general audience)
Text Voice-over, conversations in Spanish, Catalan, and English
Duration 50 minutes