Who will surrender first, the man or the machine?

A game centered in the body verses the machine. A dance of mechanical and human forces. An animalistic dialog, an emotional engine.
Two men and one machine. The contrast of iron with flesh, the robotic intelligence with emotions, the art and the technique of the weakness. A duel of glances, a rise to 7 meters, an elevator of acrobatics. Who will surrender first, the man or the machine?
Direction and interpretation Quim Girón & Benet Jofre
Lighting design and space Joana Serra
External view Anna Pascual
Sound space Fèlix Cucurull
Tour production and distribution Jaume Nieto / imagin.art
Format Street performance
Recommended ages All audiences
Public disposal Circular
Duration 35 minutes (aprox.)
Distribution and touring jaume.nieto@imagin.art