An enveloping space for discovering captivating atmospheres through contemporary sound design. We witness an encounter with the rituals and sound routines of the protagonist.

A space where the sound medium permeates everything. Where every sound is appreciated as a treasure, uintensely listened to, collected, transformed and catalogued, in a process that explores its physical and, at the same time, its emotional significance. A library that works like our brain, connecting sounds and emotions, memories and dialogues, bringing us closer to discovery, to understanding the world and ourselves.
Authors, dramaturgy and direction Enric Monfort & José Antonio Portillo
Music Enric Monfort
Narrative space (scenography) José Antonio Portillo
Executive production Toni Benavent
Musician / performer Enric Monfort
Sound design Roel van Doorn & Enric Monfort
Software design Roel van Doorn & Poul Holleman
Audiovisuals Hermes Marco
Lighting design David Bofarull & Xavi Prieto
Sound technician Poul Holleman
Lighting technician Bernat Jansà & Xavi Prieto
Graphic design Alex Prieto Studio
Photos Hermes Marco & Antonio Portillo
Book and musical objects design Mari Carmen Puchol, Nacho Diago, David Espinosa, Elisa Sanz & José Antonio Portillo.
QR design & configuration Jorge Aparici
Set design and production Mambo Decorados
Atrezzo Marcos Orbegozo
In colaboration with Teatre Lliure y Universitat Jaume I de Castelló
Booking and tour management Jaume Nieto - Imaginart
format Immersive installation show
Recommended ages +4
Maximum capacity 40 people(general audience) / 1 class group (school audience)
Running time 45'
Booking & tour management jaume.nieto@imagin.art
"Una experiencia mágica, auténtica, íntima y delicada [...]se ubica en la frontera de lo escénico y de lo experiencial, a caballo entre lo sonoro y lo poético. [...] Portillo y Monfort aúnan por primera vez sus dos mundos artísticos en una propuesta que rehuye conscientemente de los formatos tradicionales, rompen con lo habitual y dinamitan las barreras que se establecen entre disciplinas. Al entrar en esta biblioteca, los espectadores serán testigos de un espectáculo envolvente"
Rosa Ferriol
(Diario de Mallorca, 19 de octubre de 2018)