A contemporary and physical theatre show, developed on an oscillating and mutable structure.
As a metaphor, Mutabilia stages the instability of our time. The dramaturgy focuses on human relationships as acts of freedom, expression and construction. The action takes place in a minimalist stage structure, inspired by an idea of "house", which is transformed throughout the show. Located on a single and fragile axis, its balance depends on those who inhabit and sustain it.
Concept & direction Julieta Aurora Santos
Performers Carlos Campos & Inês Oliveira
Soundtrack Tiago Inuit
Set design Luís Santos & Teatro do Mar
Customes and props Adriana Freitas
Technical operation Luís J. Mosteias & Luís Santos
Financial direction and management Sónia Custódio
Production director Frederico Salvador
Production Roberta Marques
Distribution Jaume Nieto / imagin.art
Recommended ages Adults, any audience
Maximum capacity 700 people
Audience disposal 270º around the stage (flat level or grandstand)
Time lapse 40' (aprox.)
Booking and tour management jaume.nieto@imagin.art