Exploring the art of imitation, Animal Religion's unique creation challenges the stigma of copying. In a fascinating blend of spontaneity and authentic expression, participating children become performers of the piece alongside Animal Religion. Through movement, sound, and light, the audience will be guided on a journey that celebrates the dialogue between originality and imitation.

To copy is a performance that brings to the stage a group of children aged 8 to 10. This group has not had any rehearsals or preparations before going on stage. Together with Animal Religion, they navigate through a playful, emotional, and eclectic performance where the only guide is copying. From a copy, an original also emerges.
Direction Animal Religion
Circus Quim Giron
Lighting Jou Serra
Music and dramaturgy Joan Cot Ros
Voiceover texts Martí Sales
Narration Berta Giraut
Scenography Animal Religion
Lighting construction Cube Peak
Scenography production support Mariona Signes
Administrative production ElclimaMola
Tour management Jaume Nieto - Imaginart
Co-production Mercat de les Flors and laSala Centre de Creació d'Arts Per a les Famílies – Sabadell.
With the collaboration of Espacio Abierto Quinta de los Molinos – Madrid, CCCB (Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona) and Can Gassol Centre d'Arts Escèniques – Mataró.
With the support of the ICEC of the Department of Culture of the Generalitat de Catalunya.
Recommended ages from 8 years old
Maximum capacity unlimited (general audience) / 8 children on stage
Audience disposal stalls/bleachers + 8 children on stage (participatory action)
Running time 50 minutes
Booking and tour management jaume.nieto@imagin.art
"Animal Religion is a blessing for the circus and dance sector in Catalonia. Because, despite having a long career, they remain as fresh and with as uninhibited a view as the first time. And it is a view that connects, now we have been able to verify it with a very broad type of public".
Jordi Bordes (Recomana.cat)